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Click Below To See Little Bull In Action!

Mobility For You and Your Tractor Where You Need It Most!

Are you tired of struggling to move heavy equipment around your property? Do you have limited strength and mobility that makes these tasks a hassle or even dangerous? Look no further than Little Bull – the small but mighty product that fills big shoes!

Free Shipping For the Lower 48

Look For Our Trailer To Purchase In Person At Shows!


"I use Little Bull to help me around the farm with moving things. Since I bought Little Bull, I don't have to bother my family as much. It lets me get things done."

Jake D. age 53

"At first, I was intimidated when I saw Little Bull. There was no way I could figure it out!! I couldn't have been more wrong! I was hooking it up & moving a trailer like I never drove a tractor before!!"

Kym O. age 45

"I saw Little Bull at a Farm Show Display in Oklahoma. I knew right away I wanted to try it, especially with arthritis in my hands making working difficult. Little Bull has made a task that was once painful & difficult on me, a lot more bearable."

David R. age 62

"I bought a Little Bull for my entire family to utilize & I haven't regretted the decision! My wife can use it without any problems."

Samuel C. age 48

"My husband bought Little Bull so our family could all pitch in & help out. However, I always had trouble because I don't have a lot of strength. This tool was easy to use & let me move equipment on my own!!"

Cindy C. age 44